In a protocol ceremony, the government of Japan provided a new tool to strengthen Colombian National Army's humanitarian demining operations in Colombian territory.
These structures, which will be used in the most remote places of the country to improve the mobility of peasants, arrived in the country after several efforts made by the General Commander of
Bambi buckets and elements to quell the conflagrations, are the elements that were distributed by the U.S. Embassy in Colombia, thanks to the work of the U.S. Southern Command, The U.S.
In 2025, Colombian Army reaffirms its international academic mobility, receiving on this occasion, two ensigns, students of the Académie Militaire de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan of France, who will be in
On the occasion of the deployment of the C-130 Hercules aircraft of the Colombian Aerospace Force, within the framework of the VII Air Campaign and XI Scientific Expedition of Colombia to the Antar
On this occasion, the Education and Doctrine Command (CEDOC) welcomed Lieutenant María Paula Osorio Medina, who after eight months of training at the United States Army Field Artillery School achie
Within the framework of the geostrategic visit carried out by General Luis Carlos Córdoba Avendaño, Commander of the Colombian Aerospace Force to different institutions of the civi
Six officers of the Chilean Air Force, including sub-lieutenants and lieutenants, successfully completed the Basic Helicopter Course at the Air Combat Command No.
With the purpose of continuing to strengthen cooperation ties between Colombia and the United States, General Luis Carlos Córdoba, Commander of the Colombian Aerospace Force, received Major Gen