Troops of the Navy Infantry River Battalions No. 22 and 23, together with personnel of the Bahia Solano Coast Guard Station and jointly with Brigade No.
Improvised explosive devices, anti-personnel mines and grenades, belonging to the Jorge Briceño Suárez structure, were found by troops and destroyed in the municipalities of La
The event took place in a raid against the crime of extortion of which merchants, transporters, ranchers and businessmen from this area bordering Casanare were being victims.
The units are constantly operating in the area and are continuing to conduct the searches, with the aim of preventing any operation that this armed group intends to take in the sector.
Bambi buckets and elements to quell the conflagrations, are the elements that were distributed by the U.S. Embassy in Colombia, thanks to the work of the U.S. Southern Command, The U.S.
Le travail du renseignement militaire humain et technique a été accru dans la région, pour prévenir toute opération criminelle susceptible de causer des pertes à la tranquillité de ses habitants.
In the same way, in another incident in Leticia, 250 kilograms of drugs were seized. In the same way, in a firm commitment to interoperability with Brazil, 110 kilos of